I did my best not to form an opinion until I watched all 6 episodes. Now, that I have, my feelings didn’t really change from how they were at the beginning. The show definitely has its moments. But overall, all I could think of was this being a wasted set of opportunities. There are obviously…
Mini-review: 86
A friend strongly recommended this one a while ago. Coincidentally, it came out on Netflix recently, so that solved the issue of having to figure out how to watch it. I sort of get the comparisons with Code Geass. They both have a dystopian story, mech action and partial resemblance between the main male characters….
Mini-review: Violet Evergarden
I tried to watch Violet Evergarden a few years ago, thinking it was going to be this cool steampunk version of Ghost In The Shell. And I was certainly attracted by the stunning visuals from the trailers and screen caps. I stopped after two episodes when I realized I was dead wrong. I still liked…
Review: 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson
If anything, 12 Rules For Life is a reminder that there are values and lessons that should never go out of style.
My most awful Lazada experience (so far). And also… Viewsonic monitor impressions.
(Originally written back in November 2020.) One big thing I miss about being a kid is that I can just give up, cry and let my mom or dad save the day and tell me everything will be fine. Those days are long gone. I remember my first Viewsonic issue several years ago. A unit…
Reaction to The Planet of the Humans
Interviewer: Is Al Gore a prophet?Al Gore: [chuckles awkwardly]Richard Branson: ummm … ah… how do you spell prophet?Al Gore: [more awkward laughter with the other two men] Climate change is such a complex issue that seems to be beyond the full understanding of alarmists and skeptics alike. And yet, it is hardly the only environmental…
Review: Strange Beautiful Music: A Musical Memoir by Joe Satriani
I normally post reviews as a non-work related blog. But I believe this one warrants an exception. Joe Satriani has been an inspiration and an idol since I was 14 years old. The Extremist was the very first guitar instrumental album I ever bought back in 1992 and remains as one of my favorite records to this…
Review: 2012 Fender American Standard Stratocaster Up Close
Guitar reviews – they’re a dime a dozen. I thought about what I could possibly add to everything that has been written or recorded about what is arguably the most iconic electric guitar in history. Everyone has pretty much weighed in on it – luthiers, master players, wannabes, down to the people who really don’t…
Review: Korg Pitchclip PC-1
Last month, I thought I lost my clip-on guitar tuner. And of course, like the rational person that I am, instead of exerting a little more effort to find it, I thought it would be better to go to the mall and get myself a new one. So, I went to the nearest Audiophile store…
Review: Lenar Gigbag
Review: Lenar Gigbag Made to Order Gig Bags Price: Varies Made to order services for musical instrument bags and cases are aplenty, if you know where to look. I’ve seen and owned a few. They’re not the best make ever, but the bags serve their purpose well. The people who make these bags make a…
Mini-reviews: Wampler SLOstortion, Fender Mustang II, Joyo UD
I got to try out a few pieces of guitar gear this week and got some fairly interesting results. 1. Wampler SLOstortion The worth of this distortion pedal is undeniable. Even though it looks pricey at first glance (around US$240 around the Web, and PHP10,700 from Jef at www.nelldenmusic.com), two things more than make up…