Over the years, electronic portfolios have been studied and used extensively by institutions of higher education for the benefits they bring on multiple fronts. An ePorftolio is a powerful tool for assessment and reflection for students and faculty alike. But unlike other assessment tools and methods that are confined within a single course, provided with an appropriate system, an ePortfolio is able to help facilitate an integrated academic program-level assessment of students. It also becomes an avenue for which content can be showcased at the individual or institutional level to the public.
We are currently in the initial stages of building an ePortfolio system and modifying the lesson plan and assessment policy of a pilot course in an undergraduate online academic program under the University of the Philippines Open University. These steps have been taken in an attempt to take advantage of the mentioned benefits, focusing on establishing an ePortfolio culture and developing students’ ability to become reflective learners. This paper is also intended to be a foundation for additional research in enhancing teaching and learning outcomes.